What's new?
2024: Dr. Nerijus Striugas, chief researcher
affiliated with the Combustion Processes
Laboratory at the Lithuanian Energy
Institute, presented on the topic
"Sustainable heat production with
Fuel-Flexible technology" at the
conference organized by Kaunas University of
GIFFT outreach event: The event took place on March 26, 2024, at
the Lithuanian Energy Institute. This event
featured a problem-solving contest aimed at
students to enhance their understanding of
waste utilization opportunities.
"Karjera & studijos"
Career Days:
Our coordinator Lithuanian Energy
Institute participated in the
"Karjera & studijos" Career
Days on March 28-29, 2024. These career
days stand as one of the biggest career
events in the #Baltic region inviting all
Lithuanian students, schoolchildren, and
companies. GIFFT project was presented
with its activities, emphasizing the
development of new technologies and
innovations, including the ongoing efforts
we are making.
14th European Conference on Industrial
Furnaces and Boilers:
The conference took place on April 2-5, 2024
in Algarve, Portugal. During the conference,
the main goals of the GIFFT Project and the
idea to create a plasma-assisted burner,
that could be applied in the future in the
industrial sector for burning gases of
different compositions, were
Fuel and Energy Research Forum (FERF)
Environment Interest Group Seminar and
Annual Meeting: Prof. Paul Bingham, Dr. Sabrin Samad
and Dr. Feroz Kabir attended this meeting,
having recently joined FERF. Prof. Bingham
gave a well-received presentation on the
GIFFT project and biomass ash re-use in
glasses and ceramics more widely. The
workshop took place on 10th April, 2024 in
Sheffield, UK. It was well-attended by a
range of academics and industrialists and
has generated multiple new contacts and
considerable interest in the GIFFT project
from several industry figures, which are
now being followed up by the team with a
view to the GIFFT dissemination and
engagement activities.
Our first trials of plasma burner
The first combustion tests were carried
out to visually assess the flame geometry
for adaptation to existing incinerators.
This test compared the flames of different
fuel-oxygen compositions produced by
conventional and plasma-assisted
combustors. In the case of conventional
combustion, the flame was generated using
non-premixed combustion of natural gas
(CH4 ~96vol.%) and oxygen or hydrogen and
oxygen. The thermal capacity of the burner
was about 80 kW. In the case of the
plasma-assisted burner prototype, the
flame was generated from the same mixtures
while maintaining a thermal capacity of up
to 50% of the total energy released as
Figure. Photos of visual
flame length assessment tests using two
combustion systems: standard oxy-burner
for glass melting furnace (upper images)
and plasma-assisted oxy-burner (lower
Meet us at the upcoming events and
• 24-27 June 2024,
Marseille, France:
the 32nd European Biomass Conference
& Exhibition.
• 15 –19
July 2024, Cambridge, United Kingdom:
ESG15, 15th European Society of Glass
Science & Technology - NCM15
International Conference.
• 20-23 August
2024, Sendai, Japan:
10th International Conference on
Engineering for Waste and Biomass
• 21–24
October 2024, Munich, Germany:
Munich Hydrogen Symposium 2024.
• There are more
upcoming events, follow our
for most recent updates!
GIFFT and project partners publications -
1. Dr Wolfgang Schmidbauer*, Dr Sebastian
Wolf*, Matthias Kaffenberger, Dr Stefan
Knoche, Stefan Schmitt, Alexander
Strobel, Rainer Eichholz, Dr Janina
Costard and Michael Hahn, Schott’s
Technological Transformation path of
becoming climate neutral, 16th. Int
Seminar on Furnace Design –
Operation & Process Simulation, June
21-22, 2023, Velke Karlovice,
2. Schott Climate Neutral 2030 – a
way to decarbonization in the glass
industry, International Commission on
Michael Hahn, Dr Volker Trinks,
Die Glasschmelze neu denken:
Klimaschonende Glasproduktion durch
elektrische Beheizung, Journal
Nachhaltige Industrie, SpringerNature
online, ISSN (Print) 2662-7493 | ISSN
(Online) 2662-7507, April 2024
Project Partner: LEI
The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) is the
coordinator of the GIFFT project, managing
our administration, finances, technical
work, and organization. LEI also leads the
GIFFT concept development, focusing on
creating a preliminary design for a
fuel-flexible glass-making process,
identifying low-value biogenic waste
sources, evaluating advanced decarbonization
technologies for biomass-derived syngas
integration, and investigating the recycling
of gasification ash.
Related Projects
The BIORECAST project aims to
address the challenge of
decarbonizing the steel sector by
exploring the use of residual
organic waste, such as sewage
sludge, industrial sludge, domestic
organic waste, food waste, and
agricultural waste, through slow